Courage in a Hostile World

AUD30.00 each

David Phillips’s Courage in a Hostile World appeals on a number of levels.

For older readers like myself, it brings back many memories—of being among those thousands who marched through Adelaide streets in 1973; of debating with hostile spectators on the roadside; of hearing Mary Whitehouse and Malcolm Muggeridge speak; of rubbing shoulders with Christian heroes like Peter Daniels, John Court, Fred Nile, Anne Fander and many others named in this volume.

For younger readers some of these stories will be eye-opening. For everyone, this is an engaging piece of work.

It offers well-researched history; equally well-researched discussion; personal disclosure and practical inspiration. Those interested in the issues will find plenty to sharpen their teeth; those interested in action will find much to motivate them; those interested in people will meet some wonderful, bold Christians.

For over forty years I have observed David and Ros Phillips lead an unremitting, relentless struggle against social and spiritual erosion in our society. It has cost them dearly. They have paid a high price monetarily, professionally, emotionally and socially.

The title of this book is apt. They have shown extraordinary courage in the face of a generally hostile world. If you have just picked up this volume and are wondering whether to read it or buy it, my advice is, do both! It will be well worth it.

Dr Barry Chant, Founding Pastor, Tabor College